Time: 4pm
People: RB, CK and myself
Feelings: The time has come for me to visit the temple, where one can completely bury herself in beautiful chaos. There is no definite distinction of gender or age here. Just full of beauty, simplicity and expression of beauty. Commes des Garçons is an art form, and one held close to the skin, as Rei Kawakubo's expression creates nothing but complete and utter happiness. I don't want anything for Christmas but to experience Rei Kawakubo's Dover Street Market. For fashion and art obsessed, this is a religion. Yes, it's the real world Zoolander.
Dover Street Market New York is seven floors of a creative fashion Disney Land. From J.W. Anderson, Raf Simmons to Christopher Kane, Prada and Saint Laurent are all available while you admire the ceiling and art installations all around. On the first floor, there is Rose Bakery, a popular British style bakery from Dover's London and Tokyo locations, serving amazing array of sweets and tarts. Only the pound cakes and quiches were available for take out this day, but their lovely staff informed me to expect more in the future.
Two vegetable tarts ($9 each) are amazingly delectable and Derelicte as Mugatu would say. The ingredients are fresh, and execution is simple. It is no wonder Rose Bakery has a cult international following. Although if you keep eating these buttery delights, you would not be able to fit into any of Saint Laurent that is sold in the building.
You can also head up to the mezzanine area and enjoy some afternoon tea and cake. Relax and consume the art of fashion chaos.
Merry Xmas! :)
Merry Xmas and Have a Happy New Year!
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