Thursday, July 21, 2011

Microwave + Ice Cream 07-21-2011

Feelings: FF and I were discussing how long we microwave a pint of ice cream. I do 23 seconds, FF does 13. I like my ice cream to be gooey soft goodness with easily identifiable chunks. Do you microwave your ice cream?


Mina said...

Heck no! I love it cold and firm. When it's gooey and you refreeze it, there's a higher chance of the ice cream freezing into crystals. I hate that.

Yosh. O said...

um why are you re-freeze it!??? you'd better finish the pint ;)

steevay said...

omg i cant believe you microwave it haha. melted ice cream refreezes weird right?

Yosh. O said...

Whats up with you guys! Finish the pint-- don't re-freeze! haha.

Boss Lady said...

I microwave for 10 seconds - just enough to soften it.

Yosh. O said...

Yay! Finally found a ice cream micro-waver!

Jose said...

I opt for heating the scoop under hot-water, that way only melting what you are going to eat.

Yosh. O said...

Great idea!!